The bill that establishes and regulates the National Network of Cancer Registries and Surveillance Systems after the green light by the Senate now passes to the Chamber.
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Omega-Net is the Cost Action funded by the European Union to create a coordination network for occupational and population cohorts in order to harmonize data and information.
The scientific event "Cancer Control in Piedmont", organized by the Edo Foundation and Elvo Tempia and the Anglesio Moroni Fund, will be held in Biella on December 13th and 14th.
The final EpiAmbNet workshop, scheduled for 7 December in Rome, will offer the opportunity to present the various stages of the project, a mapping of local and national initiatives as well as future prospects.
We are once again talking about the relationship between environment and health at the second edition of the cycle of refresher seminars for environmental prevention operators and the National Health Service.
Educational materials related to the course "Experimental management with tests for DNA research of human papilloma virus of women of age less than 30 years", held in Turin on November 7, 2018, is available online.
GiovedìScienza opens its 33rd season with a conference dedicated to vaccines, a subject much debated and burdened by an overload of information and disinformation. The November 15 meeting will offer the public the opportunity to address their questions directly to the speakers.
The seminar "Early diagnosis of lung cancer in workers exposed to carcinogens" will be held in Milan on November 6th.
The didactic modules for the oncological screening operators will start in November, with the three annual workshops on breast, colorectal and cervical cancers.
The seminar of Leslie Stayner "Epidemiology and Environmental Health Policy: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" will take place in Turin on October 30.
The VIII edition of the volume "The numbers of cancer in Italy" presented in Rome is the result of the consolidated collaboration between AIOM and AIRTum, to which the AIOM and PASSI Foundation will be added this year.
The competition announcement for the scholarship for the Biennial Master in Epidemiology of the University of Turin has been published. The Master is aimed at those interested in planning, conducting and analyzing epidemiological investigations.
Appointment in Turin on 27 November to talk about environmental epidemiology, georeferencing, methods of spatial analysis, relationship between environmental factors and health outcomes.
October is the month dedicated internationally to the prevention of breast cancer, a disease from which it is possible to recover if one acts in time.
The activation and evaluation of ERAS protocols in Piedmont begins in gynecological and colorectal surgery. The initiative, which is part of the wider scope of the EASY-NET project, aims to improve postoperative recovery parameters.
The National Health Service is facing particularly demanding challenges in a rapidly changing scenario. What can be the contribution of epidemiology in reaffirming the inspiring principles that characterized its establishment in 1978?
The seminar in memory of the geneticist Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza is scheduled for October 9th. Following the joint seminars of the doctorate of biomedical sciences and oncology, curriculum of human genetics-IIGM specialization of medical genetics.
The Activity Report of the CPO Piemonte has been published. The document, which is drawn up as usual on an annual basis, is now available online in a widely renewed version.
Entries to the II level online master course dedicated to pharmacoepidemiology and observational epidemiology in the evaluation of care pathways are open until 2 October.
The CPO participates in Science and Technology in childhood Obesity Policy, the largest anti-obesity project ever launched in Europe that brings together 17 newborn cohorts and an international consortium of 31 scientific partners.