OMEGA-NET is the COST Action funded by the European Union to create a coordination network for labor and population cohorts in order to harmonize data and information.
Italy participates in the OMEGA-NET consortium which brings together 29 European and non-European countries and has just turned one year old.
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding body for research and innovation networks. COST actions help to link research initiatives across Europe, and beyond, allowing researchers and innovators to grow their ideas in any scientific and technological field by sharing them with their peers.
COST actions are bottom-up networks with a duration of four years to promote research, innovation and skills development.
OMEGA-NET will provide the basis for research on the identification of risks and health benefits related to employment, helping to promote prevention strategies at the European level.
Of particular interest for those working in the field of occupational epidemiology and population and birth cohorts, the opportunity for exchange between the member countries of the consortium in the form of Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM). These range from transfers of a few days (minimum 5) to longer periods and are designed in particular (but not exclusively) for PhD students or Early Career Investigators (<8 years from the PhD).
Training activities are also organized within OMEGA-NET, which are advertised on the website. In particular, PhD students and Early Career Investigators can take advantage of scholarships to attend courses and conferences.
To learn more and stay up to date on training and exchange opportunities: