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558 results (page 10 of 28)

What are the consequences of the Coronavirus health emergency on the experimentation of the ERAS protocol in Piedmont? An interview with Oscar Bertetto, director of the Piedmont and Aosta Valley Oncology Network is available online.

The FIM "Audit Centers of Senology" workshop, scheduled for May 27 in streaming, will deal with the monitoring of indicators relating to diagnostic-therapeutic performance and the certification of the centers of senology in addition to the usual presentation of clinical cases.

The Italian Environment and Health Network raises some questions to the public, highlighting some stringent needs for further study and epidemiological research.

The CPO Piemonte, through the SSD Clinical and Evaluative Epidemiology, participates in the monitoring of patients underway in the AOU City of Health and Science of Turin.

A glossary on the most common terms in the period of the health emergency from COVID-19 created by the Epidemiological Observatory of the ASL of Vercelli is available online.

The YouTube channel of the CPO Piemonte, ready to contribute to the public debate in the epidemiological field, has been activated with the Easter greetings of Benedetto Terracini.

The health emergency caused by the new coronavirus requires each of us to adopt precise rules of conduct, but it is equally necessary to stay updated through reliable information sources.

The application, the enrollment and training of the international ERAS protocol in the perioperative management of patients who are candidates for major colorectal and gynecological elective surgery are going on in Piedmont.

Registration is now open for the 33rd Summer School of the European Educational Program in Epidemiology, which is used as usual in the two-week residential formula and the specialized courses .

The presentations of the two days of training dedicated to the basics of programming for the creation and maintenance of databases are available online.

Appointment in Milan, 20 and 21 February, to talk about health, environment and primary prevention. The double event is organized by the Ccm project Italian Environment and Health Network (RIAS).

The CPO promotes, in collaboration with the Mental Energy Laboratory and the Turin Public Libraries, a cycle of dissemination conferences dedicated to lifestyles that respect human health and the future of the planet.