The bill that establishes and regulates the National Network of Cancer Registries and Surveillance Systems after the green light by the Senate now passes to the Chamber.
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NewsYear: 2018Activity: Cancer registry
The scientific event "Cancer Control in Piedmont", organized by the Edo Foundation and Elvo Tempia and the Anglesio Moroni Fund, will be held in Biella on December 13th and 14th.
The VIII edition of the volume "The numbers of cancer in Italy" presented in Rome is the result of the consolidated collaboration between AIOM and AIRTum, to which the AIOM and PASSI Foundation will be added this year.
The National Health Service is facing particularly demanding challenges in a rapidly changing scenario. What can be the contribution of epidemiology in reaffirming the inspiring principles that characterized its establishment in 1978?
The Activity Report of the CPO Piemonte has been published. The document, which is drawn up as usual on an annual basis, is now available online in a widely renewed version.
The statistics on mesothelioma cases occurring among the regional population between 1990 and 2015 were updated.