Air pollution kills 6.5 million people every year. A new World Health Organization's campaign aims to raise awareness even more about the importance of protecting the quality of air in our cities (...)
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NewsYear: 2016Activity: Primary prevention
Now in its sixth annual edition, the report published by the Italian Association of Medical Oncology and the Italian Cancer Registries provides epidemiological measures and clinical interpretations of interest both for operators and for users of Health (...)
At the library of the CPO Piemonte - Via Cavour 31, in Turin, the complete and bound collection of Epidemiology & Prevention for the period ranging from 1976 to 2015 is now available (...)
The workshop "Measuring quality of life: some methodological issues" will take place in Turin, November 18th. The meeting is primarily aimed at students, graduate students, researchers, doctors and practitioners interested in the methodological problems of measurement and analysis of quality of life data (...)
92% of the world population lives in areas where air quality levels exceed the threshold values established WHO. The new data are a further, detailed source of information on environmental pollution and the resultant danger to public health (...)
"Association or causation in miasmas and mixtures: Current reflections on Bradford Hill's 1965 contribution to Public Health" is the title of the workshop organized by the Royal Society of Medicine in London, on October 13 to 14, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Bradford Hill conference (...)
XL Congress of the Italian Association of Epidemiology will take place in Turin 19 to 21 October (...)
Issued new regional regulations for the processing of sensitive data, a regulatory framework aimed at consolidating adequate guarantees to the citizens than the legitimate use of the most sensitive information in their lives, in the interest of the individual and the community (...)
Appointment in Rome, from 1 to 4 September, for the annual meeting of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, particularly important event for all those who occupy research of health effects of air pollution, water and soil (...)
The new European regulation on privacy aimed at harmonizing regulations and procedures, especially in terms of managing sensitive data, enters into force (...)
"Take decisions" is the title of the Annual meeting of the Association Alessandro Liberati - Italian Cochrane Network to be held in Rome on May 31 (...)
Every year the pollution causes the death of 12.6 million people around the world. The World Health Organization publishes a new report dedicated to disease prevention through healthier environments, performing an accurate overall assessment of the burden of disease from environmental hazards (...)
The free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States casts many shadows on topics relevant to public health. The journal Epidemiology & Prevention intervenes on the subject in order to raise public awareness as well as contributing to the debate within the scientific community (...)
The Regional Council has approved the new Asbestos Plan which envisages, among its main objectives, mapping and site remediation, waste management, staff training, the fight against mesothelioma (...)
The new national legislation on tobacco control is an important step towards greater protection of public health from damage is resulting from tobacco consumption is associated with exposure to secondhand smoke (...)
Meeting in L'Aquila on 14 and 15 April, the IEA Spring Conference whose theme will be: epidemiology, surveillance and research to coincide with catastrophic events (...)
The European Environmental Agency reaffirms once again that air pollution remains the main environmental risk factor for health, reducing the length of people's lives and contributing to the spread of serious diseases such as heart disease, respiratory problems and cancer (...)
On February 4, we celebrate the World Cancer Day, an initiative promoted worldwide by the World Health Organization to raise awareness on issues related to the prevention prevention, primary and secondary education, and the fight against cancer, with particular emphasis on areas of life and work (...)
The European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Ministers approved the text of the new European Data Protection Regulation, which will replace by 2018 the national legislation on protection of personal data in the research (...)