On June 8 in Turin, Silvia Franceschi, special advisor of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, will give a talk on “Thyroid cancer: case or diagnosis epidemic?” (...)
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NewsYear: 2015Activity: Etiological epidemiology
The World Health Organization published the "World Health Statistics 2015" that represent the official source and annually updated information on the world population health (...)
The evaluation of the policies of reorganization of regional health systems will be the central theme of the Spring Conference of the Italian Association of Epidemiology held in Florence on May 25 to 26 (...)
A workshop to present the results of the project "Integrated assessment of the health impact of air pollution in Italy" (VIIAS), promoted by the Ministry of Health, will be held in Rome, on June 4 (...)
The Italian Association Exposed Asbestos Onlus, section of Savigliano, celebrates the World Day for asbestos victims by organizing a two-day debate and analysis on these issues extremely topical (...)
Kathleen Ruff, Canadian activist in the field of human rights, science integrity and in the fight against asbestos trade, will be in Turin and Novara, on May, 12 and 14, to held a seminar "Conflicting interests and scientific communication" (...)
Friday, May 15, at the XXVIII edition of the International Book Fair in Turin, will present the volumes "The twentieth century. History of work in Italy": an opportunity to talk about workers' health as well as working (...)
Registrations to the European Educational Programme in Epidemiology (EEPE) Summer course, under the patronage of the International Epidemiological Association, are now open (...)
The current debate in the World Health Organization on the possible discontinuation of dealings with the tobacco industry and manufacturers of weapons highlights how the same initiative could be taken against the asbestos industry (...)
The journalist Alberto judicial Gaino meets Benedetto Terracini, epidemiologist, and Alessandra Fourth, jurist, to discuss the troubled relationship between science, courts and media (...)
Registration to the Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology are still open (...)
Updated statistics on mesothelioma cases occurring among the regional population between 1990 and 2012 are now available online (...)
The recent publication on Science of the Tomasetti and Volgestein article had received considerable attention by international media: a few contributions to the still underway debate (...)