Founded in 1965 by Enrico Anglesio, the Piedmont Cancer Registry (RTP) produced incidence estimates for the five-year period 1965-69 which, considered in the light of subsequent experience, appear surprisingly reliable today. Technical difficulties related to the characteristics and cost of the survey, then completely manual, prevented the continuation of that experience which then resumed on a more solid basis starting from 1985.

Since then, the activity of the RTP has seen a progressive increase, reaching, since 2008, involving the Metropolitan Area of ​​Turin (2.3 million inhabitants). The extension of the registration to the entire regional territory began in 2017 and is still ongoing.

The RTP was reconfirmed in its function by the Piedmont Region with L.R. no. 4 of 11.04.2012 "Discipline of regional registers of significant health interest" and is authorized to operate pursuant to art. 4 of the European Regulation GDPR 679/2016.

Based on the provisions of the DGR n. 8-1664 of 07.17.2020, the owner of the processing of personal data contained in the RTP, as well as responsible for the administrative, technical and IT management of the same, is the AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza of Turin, where the Register is established.

The reference sources in the context of the RTP's activity are many: medical records, pathological anatomy archives, hospital discharge forms, death certificates and any other document useful for the identification and definition of cases.

The information collected concerns the site, the histological type and stage of the tumor and the diagnostic methods; in addition to the registration of cancer cases, the RTP periodically carries out the follow-up of the registered cases and checks their status in life to define the survival from cancer.

The RTP is part of the Italian Association of Cancer Registries (AIRTum) and collaborates with the main international networks dedicated to cancer registration, such as the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR), the European Cancer Information System (ECIS) and Cancer Incidence in V Continents coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).


>> go to the Piedmont Cancer Registry updated data


CPO Piemonte documents

Regulatory references

  • DCR n. 291-15277 del 27 giugno 2023 "Approvazione del regolamento recante norme per il funzionamento del Registro tumori della Regione Piemonte, ai sensi della legge regionale 11 aprile 2012, n. 4 (Disciplina dei Registri regionali di rilevante interesse sanitario)" | Allegato 1 "Regolamento recante norme per il funzionamento del Registro Tumori della Regione Piemonte"
  • DGR n. 8-1664 del 17 luglio 2020 "Individuazione dell'A.O.U. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino quale titolare del trattamento dati effettuato attraverso il Registro Tumori, il Registro Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica, il Registro Dialisi e Trapianti, il Registro Diabete e la Rete Oncologica del Piemonte della Valle d'Aosta"
  • Legge 22 marzo 2019, n. 29 "Istituzione e disciplina della Rete nazionale dei registri dei tumori e dei sistemi di sorveglianza e del referto  epidemiologico  per  il controllo sanitario della popolazione"
  • DGR n. 20-5817 del 21 maggio 2013 "Adempimenti in ordine all'attribuzione della titolarità dei dati dei Registri di patologia"
  • Legge regionale n. 4 dell'11 aprile 2012 "Disciplina dei Registri regionali di rilevante interesse sanitario"
