About us
The Reference Centre for Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention in Piemonte (CPO Piemonte), established in 1995 by a Regional law, is part of the Regional Health Service of the Piemonte Region, in the North-West of Italy. CPO Piemonte is active in cancer registration, primary cancer prevention, cancer screening programmes, monitoring the quality of care for oncological patients, and research on cancer etiology.
On May 2014 the World Health Organization (WHO) designated CPO Piemonte as Collaborating Centre for cancer early detection.
In addition to routine activities, CPO conducts specific research projects on behalf of Regional authorities and projects funded by other public authorities (e.g. European Union, Ministry of Health, the Italian Centre for Disease Control and Prevention etc.) and performed in collaboration with several national and international research Institutes.
Findings of CPO Piemonte projects are published in the form of scientific papers, guidelines and health reports; some epidemiological data are available online.
CPO is located within the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino and in other regional institutions. All the institutions participate to the CPO activities with their own permanent staff and short-term employees (e.g. short-term collaborators, PhD and post-doctoral fellows, students etc) collaborating to specific research projects. CPO Piemonte staff includes several professional skills (epidemiologists, physicians, biologists, statisticians, mathemathicians, data analysts, computer scientists, economists, administrative workers, research assistants etc), closely collaborating on issues of common interest with a multidisciplinary approach, and often in collaboration with external experts (e.g. clinicians, environmental experts).
A wide range of educational and training activities is performed by CPO Piemonte in the field of screening programmes, medical statistics, evidence-based medicine and clinical epidemiology in University degree courses, Postgraduate courses, University masters and in professional development courses.
As regards, finally, the regional program Prevenzione Serena, the CPO works closely with it, taking care not only of training dedicated to professionals involved in the field of screening, planning, monitoring and research related to the activity of secondary prevention.