The updated list of publications produced by the CPO Piemonte can be consulted online.
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NewsYear: 2023Activity: Oncological network
Appointment on 20 and 21 October in Turin to discuss the state of the art of integrated work projects between oncology and clinical psychology, both in terms of taking care of the patient throughout the entire care process and in terms of building protocols research and action research.
The updated list of publications produced by the CPO Piemonte can be consulted online.
The Italian Association of Epidemiology, founded in 1977 in order to promote epidemiology within the National Health System, elected Lorenzo Richiardi as its new vice president.
The updated list of publications produced by the CPO Piemonte can be consulted online.
The updated list of publications produced by the CPO Piemonte can be consulted online.
The annual conference of the Italian Association of Epidemiology, entitled "Epidemiology on the move, present emergencies, future challenges", takes place in Pisa from 19 to 21 April.