Appointment in Milan, 20 and 21 February, to talk about health, environment and primary prevention. The double event is organized by the Ccm project Italian Environment and Health Network (RIAS).
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NewsYear: 2019Category:
On December 18, 2019 in Turin the final conference of the SMART project "Innovative strategies to improve lifestyles and reduce the incidence of tumors and other chronic non-communicable diseases” will be held.
Every day 88 citizens of Piedmont receive a diagnosis of malignancy: identify them, follow the procedure, evaluate the outcomes of the therapies is the task of the Cancer Registry, active in Piedmont for over half a century. The slides of the Conference are online.
The materials produced during the final meeting of the Lifepath project, held on 26 and 27 March in Geneva, dedicated to investigate the link between socioeconomic status and health are online.
How does pervasive information improve the decision-making process of women participating to mammography screening? The results of the DonnaInformata-Screening project will be presented in Milan, June 11th.
Every day 88 citizens of Piedmont receive a diagnosis of malignancy: identify them, follow the procedure, evaluate the outcomes of the therapies is the task of the Cancer Registry, active in Piedmont for over half a century. The impact data for the years 2013-2014 will be presented in Turin on 9 April.
Next 17 April, at the San Luigi Hospital of Orbassano, a meeting about the study "Active surveillance or radical diagnosis treatment for prostate cancer low risk (START)" will take place.