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NewsYear: 2015Category:

6 results

A meeting dedicated to the operators of the regional network of epidemiology designed to illustrate the progress made to date and define the lines of development for the near future with regard to the Regional Health Information System will be held in Turin, December 18 (...)

A course dedicated to the assessment of the causal nature of reported associations between exposure to risk factors defined and the appearance of the disease, especially in the field of environmental health, to be held in Rome July 13 to 17. Registration is open until July 10 (...)

The educational material of the “Aggiornamento e formazione per colposcopisti del 2° livello screening per il cervicocarcinoma con l’avvio del nuovo programma regionale e l’utilizzo del test HPV come test primario”, addressed to personnel involved in the cervical cancer screening programme Prevenzione Serena, held in Turin on 30 March 2015, is available online (...)