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NewsCategory: Activity: Primary prevention

8 results

The CPO participates to the European Week against Cancer, an initiative to raise awareness of research and active policies aimed at combating the incidence of cancer and promoting a culture of prevention promoted by the Association of European Cancer Leagues.

Online presentation of the consensus document on "Air pollution and health" prepared by the Pediatric Scientific Societies and the "Environment and First 1000 Days" working group.

World Cancer Day is an initiative promoted worldwide by the Union for International Cancer Control to raise public awareness on primary and secondary prevention in the fight against cancer, with particular regard, this year, to the importance of physical activity (...)

92% of the world population lives in areas where air quality levels exceed the threshold values established WHO. The new data are a further, detailed source of information on environmental pollution and the resultant danger to public health (...)

On February 4, we celebrate the World Cancer Day, an initiative promoted worldwide by the World Health Organization to raise awareness on issues related to the prevention prevention, primary and secondary education, and the fight against cancer, with particular emphasis on areas of life and work (...)