Population studies
The CPO Piemonte has promoted, coordinates and participates in a consistent number of population studies. Population studies are due to two large families of longitudinal epidemiological investigations:
- cohort studies;
- case-control studies.
Both allow you to overcome the time interval that separates chronic and low intensity exposures from diseases such as cardiovascular and tumor diseases.
If, on the one hand, case-control studies date from the disease to the conditions that caused it, on the other, cohorts follow in time groups of people who have had specific exposures to identify the diseases that come from them.
There are also cohorts that are not characterized by particular exhibits but are simply observed over time to take note of the relationship between personal characteristics, including nutrition and lifestyles, and long-term health status.
Let's look at the population studies in which CPO Piemonte is currently engaged.
NINFEA, the largest Italian cohort of newborns, improves knowledge of stressors acting during fetal or early life that affect health in childhood and across the life-course.
To find out more: www.progettoninfea.it
Piccolipiù is currently following-up a cohort of newborns recruited at birth centers in Turin, Trieste, Viareggio, Florence and Rome to evaluate early determinants of most frequent diseases and conditions in childhood, such as obesity, asthma, and cognitive development problems.
To find out more: www.piccolipiu.it
MOBI-Kids investigates the carcinogenic effect of radiofrequency exposure from cell phones and other sources on the central nervous system of young people between 10 and 24 years.
To find out more: MOBI-KIDS - Project - ISGlobal
EPIC investigates the relationship between feeding and tumors and genetic-environmental interactions in the development of chronic pathologies including tumors, cerebral and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neurological diseases, inflammatory bowel diseases and autoimmune diseases.
The study is multicentre and includes cohorts recruited in 9 European countries for a total of about 400,000 healthy adult participants.
To find out more: epic.iarc.fr
Italian multicentric study on etiological factors for childhood leukemia, lymphoma and neuroblastoma (SETIL)
To learn more, please visit the abstract page.
EPSAM aimes at identifying the genetic and environmental causes of testicular cancer and specifically analyzes: postnatal risk factors that act during puberty and genetic risk factors, studying candidate genes, and participating in the Testicular Cancer Consortium (TECAC).
To find out more: https://sites.google.com/view/progettoepsam/home
Environmental factors and genetic susceptibility in the aetiology of head and neck cancers: a multicentric European epidemiological study
The study is conducted within the INHANCE international consortium.
To learn more, please visit the abstract page.